• Church And Building Security May 16, 2019 - A friendly reminder, to ensure the security of the property of the church and the safety of everyone within the building, all exterior doors to the church should remain locked, unless otherwise arranged with staff members or committee leaders.
  • Church Directory Update – Picture Delivery May 16, 2019 - For those who ordered pictures or frames other than the free 8x10 provided to all who had pictures taken, you have likely received your order in the mail. For those who only selected a free 8x10 picture, they may be received at the hub table in Fellowship Hall after church for the remainder of May.
  • Worship For All Ages Survey May 16, 2019 - This year, UUCUC enhanced the all age worship opportunities through the year.
  • Spring Cleaning! May 16, 2019 - It's that time of year again for spring cleaning! On Sunday, May 19, we'll have all of the current items in our Lost and Found bins displayed on tables in Fellowship Hall.
  • Making Religious Education Happen May 16, 2019 - During the month of May, three working groups will meet to discuss how to revitalize this committee (or other named group) to lead a full religious education program next year.
  • Immigration Justice Task Force Supports CU Fair May 16, 2019 - This year the congregation has had opportunities for informal conversations concerning immigrant justice issues. From these discussions an Immigration Justice Task Force has formed as part of the Social Action Committee.
  • Michele Townsend Grove, IDRE To Receive Doctor Of Ministry Degree May 9, 2019 - Michele and her family are heading to Washington, DC from May 9th to May 15th so that Michele can receive her Doctor of Ministry from Wesley Theological Seminary.
  • Scammers Posing As Congregational Leaders May 9, 2019 - Since members of UUCUC's congregation recently received phishing emails from someone reportedly claiming to be Rev. Caplow, we wanted to share this alert that MidAmerica Region UUA sent out this week a reminder to be careful in responding to emails from congregational leaders and staff that look suspicious.
  • Coming Of Age Worship Service A Success May 9, 2019 - On Sunday, May 5th, the Unitarian Universalist Church of Urbana-Champaign recognized thirteen youth in the annual Coming of Age worship service.
  • Pronoun Stickers Now Available May 9, 2019 - UUCUC’s Welcoming Congregation and Membership Committees invite you to support respecting people’s pronouns by affixing a “pronoun” sticker to your name badge.