• Change In Board of Trustees Meeting Schedule July 5, 2019 - The UUCUC Board of Trustees is working to make information about its meetings and agenda items more accessible to you!
  • July Is Brought To You By Hospitality Team E July 1, 2019 - Welcome Hospitality Team E co leaders Katie Madigan and Kathy Robinson, and Team E volunteers who will assist with ushering, welcoming, providing decorations and snacks during the month of July.
  • Added To Recycling – CFL Light Bulbs June 27, 2019 - You can now recycle your CFL light bulbs as well as your batteries, printer toner and/or ink cartridges.
  • Church Office Closed on Thursday, July 4 June 27, 2019 - The church office will be closed on Thursday, July 4 in recognition of the national Independence Day holiday.
  • UUA General Assembly 2019 Recap June 27, 2019 - The UUA General Assembly 2019 meeting took place in beautiful Spokane, Washington, June 19-23. We had several members from UUCUC attend the meeting leaving it feeling inspired, with further knowledge to help them carry on the work of Unitarian Universalism in our congregation and community.
  • Bring Backpacks to Church On Sunday July 21! June 27, 2019 - The Worship Service on Sunday, July 21st will be led by the Immigration Justice Task Force!. That Sunday also will be our "coming out party" to members and friends with opportunities to join us, and participate in our work.
  • A Pivotal Event In LGBTQ History June 27, 2019 - The Stonewall Inn riots were a series of spontaneous, violent demonstrations against police raids. This particular raid began the wee hours of June 28, 1969 and lasted 3 days.
  • [Re-Writing/Re-Righting] Cassandra June 22, 2019 - School for Designing a Society, Gesundheit Institute, and Dr. Patch Adams are looking for people from all walks of life who will commit to responding to this prophetic, Oct. 8 2018 announcement by the United Nations Committee on Global Climate Change: “ We have 12 years left to limit climate change catastrophe.”
  • Religious Education Is At It’s Best When Passionate Leaders Are Involved June 18, 2019 - Learning is a treasured gift at UUCUC. It is our hope to strengthen the systems that make religious education learning and leading easy to identify. I ask each of you: How do you wish to connect to the learning community of UUCUC?
  • Building and Grounds Volunteers Still Needed June 18, 2019 - The Building and Grounds Advisory Group is still looking for volunteers to help in a variety of areas. We would like to develop a list of people that we could contact when we need help.