We, the members of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Urbana-Champaign, strive to sustain a caring community that promotes the personal and spiritual well-being of our members and of the larger world in which we live. To this end,

We promise to participate actively in the life of our church, to contribute as we are able, and to express appreciation for others’ contributions.

We promise to join in shaping congregational life through processes that are open, inclusive, and transparent, and to support the decisions made by our chosen leaders and the congregation as a whole.

We promise to celebrate the diversity of our collective experiences and backgrounds including race, class, gender, sexual orientation, age, physical ability and economic means even as we struggle to understand those differences.

We promise to express our differences openly and respectfully, speaking directly with those involved, listening closely, offering real solutions in ways that are constructive and not judgmental, and accepting conflict as an inevitable aspect of healthy relationships.

We promise to provide an atmosphere for the minister to challenge us to think critically and creatively about all issues, thus carrying our congregations’ commitment to a free pulpit.

We promise to respect our children, to encourage their development as whole people, and to teach them the values of our religion, and other religions, as well.

We promise to welcome those who are new to our church and faith by learning about their journeys, by providing opportunities to learn more about us, and by explaining how they can become more involved in the church.

We promise to support each other through life’s ups and downs by creating an environment in which people feel safe to share, and by responding to the needs of the members of our congregation.

We promise to encourage one another in our efforts to promote social justice and responsible stewardship in the larger community and the world.

Approved 10/02/2005