• You are invited! Yes, YOU! February 7, 2019 - Sometimes we get caught up thinking about the past or the future, and miss out on the present. All those interested in spending some time in the present moment are welcome at the mindfulness practice.
  • Thank You from Partner Church Committee! February 7, 2019 - Dear Congregation, The Partner Church Committee is very grateful for the shared offering from the December 2018. The collection was $3,450.
  • Helping a Local Church After Tragedy January 31, 2019 - Please join our 4th - 5th grade class in Fellowship Hall this Sunday to help Mount Olive Missionary Baptist Church. On Jan. 21st, a fire completely destroyed their Sanctuary and extensively damaged the remainder of their structure.
  • Cleaning has Commenced! January 17, 2019 - It's been two weeks since Kate Barton assumed her role as Facility Coordinator. Her and Shornor have been working diligently on making our church shine.
  • Christmas Eve Offerings January 17, 2019 - In the spirit of Christmas, we chose to give away the whole plate offering from our two Christmas Eve services this year: half to our partner Unitarian churches in Transylvania and India (our December Shared Offering receipients), and half to Al Otro Lado, an immigrant rights organization providing legal and other support on the Tijuana/San Diego border.
  • Winter Soul Matters Covenant Groups kick-off in late January January 17, 2019 - Winter Soul Matters Covenant Groups kick-off in late January and will continue through April. These small facilitated groups of 8-10 people will explore monthly themes such as Vision, Sanctuary, Mystery and Trust.
  • New Social Action/Recovery Support Group Starting January 3, 2019 - The Social Action Committee is sponsoring a non-AA, science-based addiction recovery group that will be meeting on Wednesdays from 6 - 7:30 pm in Classroom #1.
  • Kate Barton Becomes Facilities & Events Coordinator January 3, 2019 - UUCUC member Kate Barton, who has been our Events Coordinator for the last six months, is transitioning to a new position: Facilities & Events Coordinator.
  • Death Over Dinner Potluck Dinners February 28, 2018 - In February 2018, we held two ‘Death over Dinner’ potluck dinners as a trial run.
  • How to Die in Oregon Documentary January 31, 2018 - The Death with Dignity group at UUCUC has presented the 2011 Sundance Winner documentary ‘How to Die in Oregon’ on three separate occasions—at the Urbana Free Library (July 2017), the Champaign Public Library (August 2017), and at church (January 2018).