Blessing of the Animals

This Sunday service, in honor of the October birthday of St. Francis, will be a celebration and blessing of animals, both our companions and the wild ones.You are welcome to bring your dog, cat, hamster, rabbit, hermit crab, or other animal that lives with you. If it easier, you can a picture of your animal or a stuffed animal for the blessing. As Rev. Florence wisely points out in the video description of this upcoming service, you are also an animal and are welcome to be a part of the blessing!

A slide show of the animals that enrich our lives will be a part of the celebration. There is a special place in this slide show to honor those animals who have died. Please send a photo of your animals-those who are living and those who have gone before us- to Blake Preston at or Michele Grove at no later than 1:00 pm on Friday, October 25th along with the name of your blessed animal and your name. It will be a welcome gift for this week’s worship service.