UU Companion Ministry
Are you or someone you know in the congregation in need of a listening ear? Our UU Companion Ministry (formerly Pastoral Care) means support and accompaniment through hardship, loss, and life’s most difficult times. If you could use specific help with rides to medical appointments, having meals prepared, etc., reach out to the Caring Congregation network of volunteers through carecore@uucuc.org. If you want to talk one-on-one with your ministers, you can email them anytime and to schedule a time to meet. They are here for you, don’t hesitate to reach out!

The work of the UU Companion Ministry:
- Responding to weekly shared Joys & Sorrows
- Reaching out via email or phone to thank folks for sharing their joys and sorrows in worship
- Offering to follow up with more support if needed
- Up to six one-on-one meetings with any UUCUC member going through a hardship or life transition
- Not therapy or counseling, but supportive listening and presence
- Confidential space, with UUCUC ministers Sally & KB included within that circle of trust
- Can be in-person, online, or via phone
- UUCUC Ministers can make the initial connection or referral, or you can use this form: https://uucuc.breezechms.com/form/cc972d
- Available for pastoral emergencies while both ministers are away
- Visiting UUCUC members who become hospitalized
- Reaching out to offer condolences to family in the event of a death
- Able to reach ministers if needed
- Running support groups within the congregation, as time/energy allows

Email: consulting-minister@uucuc.org

Email: associate-minister@uucuc.org
Our congregation has also commissioned two UU Companion Ministry Associates, who work with the ministers to provide emotional support and confidential care to UUCUC members in need of a listening ear during difficult times. Get to know these two below and reach out to Rev. Sally Fritsche, associate-minister@uucuc.org, if you need help connecting.