2024-2025 Generosity Campaign: Prism of Possibilities

Why Pledge?
A letter From Rev. Beth Monhollen
A letter from Jenny Hunt, Chair, Board of Trustees
Unlike many religious denominations, Unitarian Universalist congregations are independent congregations that choose to join the Unitarian Universalist Association. Monetary support for a local Unitarian Universalist congregation is solely and entirely the responsibility of that local congregation, so everything from Social Justice campaigns to paying the utility bills comes from local support.
Pledges are the single largest source of monetary support for our church. Pledges allow the church to plan a budget and make determinations about hiring staff and scheduling activities for the upcoming year. Pledges are solicited for the current fiscal year at all times except when the annual canvas/stewardship drive solicits pledges for the coming fiscal year. UUCUC’s fiscal year runs from July 1 to June 30.
How Will My Pledge Be Used?
Income from pledges is used to fund:
Programs – Worship services, religious education, community outreach, and other programs.
Staff – Salaries and benefits for our ministers and other staff members.
Operational expenses – Utility bills, maintenance, office supplies, and other overhead.
Denominational support – Annual contributions to the Unitarian Universalist Association.
Reserves – Money set aside for future major expenses.
2024-2025 Pledge Packet Materials
- Online Pledge Form
- Printable Pledge Form
- Fair Share Giving Guide (As you consider your pledge, please review the Fair Share Giving Guide and consider increasing your financial support)
Ways to pay
- Vanco: Pay your pledge in full or set up recurring payments online
- Mail a check to 24/25 Pledges @ UUCUC 309 W. Green Street, Urbana, IL 61801
- Grants from donor-advised funds
- Stock donations
- Set up an automatic payment through your bank
Contact Information
If you have questions, please contact the Generosity Committee at generosity@uucuc.org.