Soul Matters Covenant Group Sign-Up

Soul Matters Covenant Groups offer the gift of spiritual connection and discernment through small group engagement. Our church community is organizing a number of Soul Matters small group opportunities on different days and at different times.
Take a look at the many Soul Matters groups that are forming for the coming church year, and sign yourself up if you are interested. Be sure to read all the way to the bottom of the list, where we have two unique offerings of Soul Matters groups with a special focus.
These covenant groups are not a stand-alone program. They’re designed as a companion program to our congregation’s worship and other religious education ministries. Spiritual exercises are a vital part of the program designed to satisfy our deep collective hunger for experiential engagement. Reflection questions are equally vital as they invite us into individual exploration and spiritual discernment.
If you have additional questions or want to chat further, contact Rev. Sally Fritsche, Associate Minister for Congregational Life.