Covenant Groups and Chalice Circles

Our church community is growing. People are looking at the values, principles and commitment to action of Unitarian Universalism and are sensing that what we have to offer is meaningful in their personal lives and speaks to their passion to create a world that reflects the eight principles of Unitarian Universalism.
Being a part of a growing church community brings rich rewards including the gifts of new people, fresh ideas and invigorating energy. We’re blessed to be experiencing all of these things here at UUCUC right now as more and more people join us.
To address the challenge of maintaining a strong sense of community, group identity and intimate connections within our growing church, we’re offering a small group ministry program focusing on the creation of small “Covenant Groups” which will borrow from a national Unitarian Universalist program called “Soul Matters”.
Our Covenant Groups will be guided by this unique model of spiritual discernment and community building – a national program shared by many UU churches around the country. Through Soul Matters, there is a monthly theme that winds through small groups, worship service, music and religious education.
These Covenant Groups are open to members or non-members of our church community. Each group will meet at least once per month from October to May.
A special Soul Matters program called Starting Point is also offered especially for newcomers. Starting Point is a new kind of newcomer class that:
- provides newcomers with an experience of UUism not just information about it
- brings new life to UU theology & history by framing it with the core small group value of healing spiritual disconnection
- uses experiential learning to make our unique church mission come alive
Each Starting Point covenant group will meet for three sessions. Our Starting Point program will be the first step on your path to deeper connection within our church community.
We’re confident that our Soul Matters and our Starting Point Covenant Groups will create opportunity for us all to adapt to our growing church community in a way that builds intimate connections and deepens our own spiritual practice.
Questions? Email Rev. Sally Fritsche, Associate Minister for Congregational Life.