Lifelong faith formation is a cooperative effort of the entire congregation.

Volunteers are an important part of making intentional learning experiences happen within and beyond the classroom walls. There are many ways to be involved at all levels of the program and at all levels of time and commitment. 

Many of our adult members and parents often volunteer in our program for children and youth.  We find the practice of teaching, in and of itself, to be a valued experience of spiritual, intellectual, and social growth in our community. Teaching REE is a path to learning and deepening your own religious understanding, and it also works to establish relationships in our congregational community across ages, generations, and social groups.

We invite you to consider how you might deepen your own spiritual journey by serving in our REE program. Whether you can help regularly, visit to share a special passion or lend a hand behind the scenes, we value the opportunity to find a way for you to be involved.

We need all different people and skills: those with vision and big ideas, those who want to work with kids or those who would rather not, and people who want to help with small but important tasks. Without our members’ voluntary participation and energy, we could not provide so many opportunities for learning and growth.

Some volunteer roles include:

  • Help with Sunday religious education classes as part of a teaching team. This is a commitment to be in a classroom on Sunday mornings with one other volunteer just five times in the fall (September-December) and six times in the spring (February-May).
  • Sunday Morning Coordinator helps teachers and families outside the classroom from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. (about twelve Sundays in the fall and spring).
  • Plan or facilitate adult education classes.
  • Hosting Popcorn Theology or Game Nights. This is a once-a-month, 3-hour commitment.
  • Serve as a game master for D&D or RPG-based education.
  • Serve as a guest teacher for all-ages Sunday. Previous guests have led talks about monarchs and planted milkweed, led singing circles, and talked about animal tracks and behaviors.
  • Help plan teacher training in August.
  • Help with volunteer recruitment, training, support, and recognition. This work occurs mostly from May to September.
  • Help with developing policies and procedures. This is a monthly, 2- 4 hour commitment.
  • Work at Parents’ Night Out (3-4 times a year) or Parent Playground Playdate (6-8 times a year).
  • Help plan and lead summer family programming (once a month in June, July, August).
  • Help form and lead parent support groups.
  • Advisor for middle school or high school youth group. This is a 2-3 hour commitment twice a month.
  • Coordinate and lead conversations and activities for young adults (18-35).
  • Teaching OWL human sexuality classes. This requires a weekend in-person training. We need teachers who want to work with elementary, middle school, and adults.
  • Leading one of the REE Teams with an emphasis on visioning, goal setting, annual planning, and evaluation. Team Leaders meet or communicate with their team monthly and they meet together every other month. They participate in three half-day retreats a year.
  • Serving on one of the REE Teams and assisting with plans and projects with a specific starting and ending date. Teams meet or communicate monthly.
  • Administrative work such as data entry, writing newsletters, prepping supplies for classes, bulletin boards, special projects. This is a commitment to work in the REE office for 2-4 hours a week.
  • Working in our library and communicating with the congregation about the resources we have.

Take a minute to complete this form to share your time and talent in ways big or small with the REE program.

Someone will contact you to talk further regarding any role in which you have indicated interest.