Black Lives Matter

The racial profiling, police brutality, voting restrictions, and mass imprisonment of African Americans and other people of color in the United States (dubbed the “New Jim Crow” by civil rights advocate and scholar Dr. Michelle Alexander) is a moral outrage.
As Unitarian Universalists (UUs), our dedication to global justice, equity, and dignity leads us to join hands across lines of race, class, age, and geography and work for an end to the injustices faced by black people in our communities, so that every person is treated equally under the law and has a fair chance at life. – from
Looking for ways to respond to Black Lives Matter, nationally and locally? Below are some resources, organizations, and upcoming events.
UUCUC’s Statement on Black Lives Matter
Since our Congressional Meeting on June 14th, your new Board of Trustees has met twice. At the Board’s June 16th study session, it was decided that we wanted to put together a statement reaffirming our support of and commitments to Black Lives Matter and the Movement for Black Lives. With the able assistance of Rev. Caplow and the Racial Justice Project Committee, a draft statement was developed, and on June 23rd, the Board voted unanimously to approve the statement here.
These words lay out powerful commitments for UUCUC’s Board, Staff, Committees, and our Congregation. We need your help. We look to each of you to help propel these words forward into meaningful and productive actions with the urgency they deserve so together we can realize our goals of an equitable and just society for all.
Local Organizations
- Champaign Community Coalition
- Champaign County Bailout Coalition
- Champaign-Urbana – Showing Up For Racial Justice
- First Followers
- NAACP Champaign County
If you have questions or to find out other ways to get involved in the community, contact Rev. Karen Bush.