Our Goal: Using the voices of members and friends, envision our UUCUC future and create a plan to move towards that vision over the next five years.
- Update December 2020: The Dream Team completed its work, and the Strategic Plan Task Force will be monitoring our progress in achieving our visions and goals laid 2021-2025.
- Update November 2020: we have a plan! (Click to read the full strategic plan.)
Navigation Menu
UUCUC Voices: Who We Want To Be
- Responses to “My Dream for the Congregation is:” cards collected at 11/10/2018 Installation service and January 6, 2019 service. Themes noted by Dream Team in order of frequency mentioned include: Worship & Spirituality, Community Engagement, Growth, Inclusion, Programming, Diversity, Caring & Kindness, Facilities, Social, Visibility
- Shape Our Future Nov. 2nd workshop – notes on Mission/Vision workshop led by Lisa Presley, Facilitator from MidAmerica Regional UUA
UUCUC Voices: Who We Are
- What UUCUC’s Mission Means To You
- Mission for a Muffin responses to “If our church disappeared, what would you miss the most?” Asked of children, youth and their parents.
- Fall 2019 ENews Survey question responses
- Dream Buffets Report – Highlights summary and all responses at three café style conversation events Fall 2019
- Comparison of Themes from Fall 2019 Dream Buffets and ENews Survey questions
About Us And Our Heritage
In 2018, our Board of Trustees began a strategic visioning process to guide UUCUC for the next five years. Recognizing our common goals, the Interim Religious Education Taskforce (REEF) and the Strategic Vision Taskforce joined forces to become the Dream Team.
The Dream Team visioning group is conversing with members and friends around the questions: 1) who are we now? , 2) who do we want to be?, and 3) how we want to be both within our congregational community and our community at large? The future vision we create together will produce guiding goals and objectives for the next five years to be voted on by the congregation.
- Celebrating 2013-2018 Strategic Plan and Accomplishments
- Spiritual Gains & Growing Pains – Notes on Bill Breeden workshop 3-20-2109
- Transformative Learning Moments – Voices shared at Feb 24, 2019 UUCUC Interim RE Service
Contact Information
Dream Team members include: Lara Breeze-Troyer, Karen Folk, Randy Locke, David Prochaska, Karla Peterson, Jenny Hunt, Ben Galewsky, Carol Veit, Becky Densmore, Kathleen Robbins, Florence Caplow, Michele Grove, David Sharpe, Kathleen Holden.
If you have questions or would like to know more information about the Dream Team, please contact Karen Folk.
Upcoming Events
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Recent News and Announcements
Recent Events
Special Meeting of the Congregation – December 20, 2020Dream Team Strategic Plan Informational Meeting #2 – December 7, 2020
Dream Team Strategic Plan Informational Meeting #1 – November 29, 2020
UUCUC's Missions and Visions Information Session – March 29, 2020
UUCUC's Missions and Visions Information Session – March 8, 2020