UUCUC Dream Team Update: Five Broad Goals And Next Steps

From Karen Folk

Survey results narrowed 13 goals to the 5 goals that our strategic plan will focus on for the next 5 years.  A big thank you to the congregation for stepping up – we heard from 148 of you!!  A special thanks to Becky Densmore for speedily analyzing the results.  The full report is available here.

The five goals receiving the most votes are:

  1. Expand and deepen our commitment to inclusion, anti-racism and multiculturalism through regular training within the congregation, strengthening relationships with non-white communities and congregations in the area, and ongoing discernment about barriers to creating a more intentionally multicultural congregation.  
  2. Be a force for change within our congregation, larger community and the world through effective social, racial, and environmental justice work and mission-based budgeting, in partnership with frontline communities and organizations.  
  3. Build an innovative, broad, and inclusive program structure that recruits and involves all ages in lifelong spiritual learning and service activities both in age appropriate groups and intergenerational activities within two years of hiring the new RE director.  
  4. Complete and present options for a congregational vote for a plan to accommodate growth, increase environmental friendliness, renew Green Congregation status, and attain full accessibility in our current building or another location. 
  5. Experiment and expand our theological diversity through worship services, rituals, celebrations, and music that will nourish us spiritually in a variety of ways while deeply respecting each other’s journeys, with one or more regular alternative services. 

Next Steps – Dream Team members will solicit short and longer-term action steps from committees, groups, and members during September.  Individual members feel free to contact Karen Folk, foxandfolk@gmail.com with your possible action ideas – the sooner the better.  Examples of action goals achieved (!) from our 2013-2018 strategic plan are: 1) “Make our church more green by increasing our church’s energy efficiency by 25% by June 2017.” And 2) “Hire a Membership/Connections Coordinator to support members deepening their connection and involvement in congregational life. 50% time, effective by January 2014”