Do you identify as LGBTQ?
Are interested in touching base with other LGBTQ folks in the congregation?
Are interested in touching base with other LGBTQ folks in the congregation?
Thanks to Hospitality Team B members and co leaders, Emily Laugesen and Linda Collinsworth.
Fellowship Hall or via Zoom. The meeting is open to all, and please note only members will be able to vote during the meeting.
At this year’s General Assembly in Portland, Oregon, delegates will be given the opportunity to vote on candidates to serve on the UUA Board of Trustees.
We are looking to get 10 UU volunteers to come to the work site on June 4 and another group of 10 on June 25 (8am to 3pm each day).
On June 5th, the congregation will be asked to amend the Constitution and Bylaws to change our Gift Policy. Following this vote, the congregation may vote on the distribution of the monies bequeathed by Nan Ehrlich. Join us to learn more and ask questions
Reminder to save the date: Saturday, June 11, for Sewn In Memory- local AIDS Quilt Panels and the local response to AIDS at Spurlock Museum.
This notice is to inform the congregation that the Board of Trustees intends to conduct church business during its regular monthly Study Session scheduled for June 14, 2022
I am so proud to share with the congregation that as of last week we have a full slate of members on the UUCUC Transitions team and we are poised and ready to begin.