We are Unitarian Universalist and Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Humanist, Jewish, Muslim, Pagan, atheist and agnostic, believers in God, and more.
We seek to help people reconnect — to help us find meaning in our lives.
Our mission is to… Build Community. Seek Inspiration. Promote Justice. Find Peace.
With the help of the Board, the Operations Council, the Personnel Committee, our ministers, other church staff, and many others, our church is ready to post a job description for a REE Manager to help coordinate our children and youth programming. We hope to be able to fill this position by early November.
Help yourselves to a game of UNO, checkers, chess, dominoes, & Connect Four during the social time after Sunday morning services (aka Fellowship Hour).
Last Sunday, the YRUU group had a great time hiking to Carle Park while enjoying the fall foliage and the nice weather. While there, we collected some materials for creating nature-based Mandalas.
We need you to nominate organizations doing good work in alignment with UU values. These organizations should be ones you know and support, but not ones that you personally run or that employ you.
Tim and UUCUC would like to acknowledge the generosity of several members of the congregation and thank them for their donations to improve our facilities.
Happy Friday, UUCUC! If you haven’t already, please sign up for one of the remaining cottage meetings, small group sessions where we will try to flesh out some of the congregation’s needs as expressed in the recent survey. This is the last week that we will be hosting them, so get in while you can. Your voice is important!
Can you help us make this program a success? We need you to nominate organizations in alignment with UU values. They can be local, state, national, or international.