A Holiday Blessing from Rev KB

A special blessing of love to all those in our community who are feeling lonely and/or sad on this holiday season.

Such difficult feelings can bite deep inside… cutting all the more by the dissonance of what so many others seem to be experiencing in contrast.

I pray gentle flows of the beauty and light of life touch you, some how,
In unexpected ways… in the hours and days ahead.

We are all so profoundly interconnected.
Like the underground root systems of the very trees that arch high over our heads.

So much that seems to separate us is …. illusion… a human construct…
And does not truly exist.

As our hearts may silently weep today… in longing for Christmases long past….
For faces and voices and embraces that are only in memory’s sacred storehouse of keeping…

Know it is This which we humans most deeply experience…this oftentimes season of lonely keening longing …
This mourning song of the human heart …
Which is the very stuff which we have Most in common with Every human ( and all sentient) being on earth.
For we truly are…

All in this together.
Rev KB