Saturday April 3, 2021 – starting at 10:30am
RAIN DATE: Saturday, April 10, 2021
Ready for a bit of outdoor fun and creativity? Rev. Sally and the Membership team are inviting you to come help us beautify our wrought iron fence along Green Street with some guerilla community art: yarn bombing! All ages and skill levels welcome – we’ll be wrapping sections of our fence in multicolored yarn, making an eye-catching rainbow display for everyone who walks/drives by to enjoy this spring.
We’ll provide lots of yarn, but if you’re a knitter with a stash of scraps, feel free to bring that along for added variety.
Many hands make light work, and together we’ll wrap yarn, enjoy seeing some familiar (masked) faces, and create a little extra beauty for the whole community to enjoy!
Use this form to sign yourself or your family up for a time slot!