For Anyone in Pain in this moment….
This bouquet I dedicate to anyone in pain.
Whether emotional or physical.
Pain is extremely … immediate.
It has its deep clutching claw digging down on our every sensory perception… in every damn moment.
Pain is extraordinarily isolating.
The one in pain can be surrounded by loved ones… and yet…. be far away…. locked in a prison on pain’s lonely island
Time takes on a strange stretched out distortion.
A moment becomes a minute… a minute feels like an hour. An hour… a lifetime.
To be living “pain free”… after a full on episode of overwhelming pain (whether of heart, mind or body) is a profound gift. For we are all so very vulnerable.
We are each perishable goods.
Blessings on each of you, my friends.
I pray this day of life is a gentle one.
Rev KB