When: Saturday, April 20 and 27 and May 4
Who is invited: Everyone
Where: Randolph Street Community Garden
Come support the Randolph Street Community Garden. The coordinator of the garden, Rev. Dawn Blackman, has put out a call for helpers to start cleaning and fixing up the Randolph Street Community Garden. This garden is a GREAT resource for lower income folks in north Champaign- providing both a way to grow fresh vegetables and a way to teach youth the process of gardening (Dawn involves a lot of young people from her nearby church, Church of the Brethren). Families and individuals can “claim” beds in the garden to grow food for their own consumption. The garden supplies seeds, mulch, water, and tools.
Our church has supported this garden financially and through work parties in past years. The garden is located in Champaign just north of Stratton School on Randolph Street!
Can you volunteer to work for 2 hours (10am-noon) on one of these upcoming Saturdays? Youth are welcome if accompanied by a parent or other adult. There are always a variety of tasks for people of differing energy and strengths, such as pulling weeds, putting cardboard in the walkways, hauling mulch, repairing the raised beds, and picking up trash.
Saturday, April 20
Saturday, April 27
Saturday, May 4
Please go to this Google Doc to sign up: