We have had a loyal group of trained UUCUC staff and volunteers available to take calls and provide support to members and friends of UUCUC, since late March, but we have found that the chat line (formerly the 24/7 Warm LIne) is not being utilized. We hope that this is a GOOD thing, and that most people are doing well.
We will be suspending this line, but please know that support is still available! If you need to talk with someone, or need other support, please email our Care Core co-chairs at pastoralcare@uucuc.org, and one of them will get back in touch with you.
Deep thanks to the following people for your service:
- Marllyn Ryan
- Scott Godlew
- Cindy Loui
- Carol Osgood
- Jim Hannum
- Cloydia Larrimore
- Jenny Hunt
- Virginia Brubaker
- Rev. Bill Breeden
- Kate Barton
- Michele Grove
- Pamela Van Wyk
- Theresa Benson
- Alice Engelbretsen
And special thank you to staff member Sherry Bohlen for immense logistical support!