UU Horn Band Recruiting

Do you play an instrument? The UU Horn band is out of hibernation and preparing for a gig at the May 1st music service. The horn band is mostly woodwinds and brass instruments, percussion, and occasionally either an upright bass or electric bass. We won’t turn down guitars or other strings, but that seems to be the forte of our original UU band.

With lots of new church members we hope to find some players. Even if you haven’t played for awhile, that’s the case for many of us. We’ve played 🥚 for the UU Coffee House several times and for Christmas Eve services as well. We will be coming up with some regular gig times to just get together and play as well as performing periodically. Questions? contact Jerry Carden at jacarden23(at)gmail.com or Jonny Beckett at jonnybeckett62(at)gmail.com.