When: 3rd Fridays @ 6:30 p.m.
Who is invited: Everyone
Where: Fellowship Hall
Sign Up HERE
Update on Sage Cafe
by Margaret Lovell, Adult REE Team
When we added the Sage Café as an Adult REE program, we planned for an event that would draw people who wanted to have deeper discussions about universal matters. We wanted to talk with members of our congregational family and friends about topics that made us curious. The subjects might be “deep” or they might be “light” but we were sure that the conversations would be thoughtful and heartfelt. The topics we explored in the first few months were rich with potential for discussion and our conversations allowed each of us to participate at a comfortable level.
We’ve held three Sage Cafés so far and each one has exceeded our expectations for entertaining, enriching opportunities to share our thoughts and feelings with each other. Our first topic was What Is Justice? and our talk that evening ranged widely through philosophy, theology, and jurisprudence. At our second meeting, we talked about What Purpose Does Humor Serve? and told jokes, considered what makes stand-up comedy work, and dipped into the evolutionary basis for being funny. In November, we met to consider Do the Ends Justify the Means? and that conversation brought us face-to-face with many of the challenges arising in the world today.
Each monthly session has brought more attendees. We are drawing open-minded, open-hearted participants from the community as well as our church. The people who attend the Sage Café are shaping it as a way to examine our own beliefs and explore alternative approaches to some of the issues we care about.
As we said in our original announcement, “We won’t be debating, or challenging, or proselytizing. There will be no right or wrong answers or ideas. We’ll simply share our experience, curiosity, compassion, and respect.”
Upcoming topics may include:
What Are Dreams?
Why Do We Have Religion?
What Is the Purpose of Play?
Is Charity the Enemy of Equality?
Is Life Really a Zero-Sum Game?
What Is Violence?
Where Does Creativity Come From?
Please join us to share how we address these universal, human questions.