Thank You From UP Center For Hosting Pridefest 2020

Dearest community at UUCUC,

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for sharing your space to make Uniting Pride’s Virtual Pride Fest possible this year. After 10 years of parades, the largest Pride Festival in downstate Illinois wasn’t going to allow our annual celebration to be missed. At our “Staying Apart, Rising United” festival on the weekend of September 26th , we served over 200 participants at a weekend full of educational and social programming. And we could not have done it without the Unitarian Universalist Church of Urbana Champaign.

You provided safe, socially distanced space for our Pride Committee to present our virtual programming from. With each person in their own private classroom, we were able to work together, sustain our souls through long hours, and provide reliable technology for any panelist who needed it. We are so grateful to you for this, as well as for your long-standing continued friendship and partnership with Uniting Pride.

With love and solidarity,
Uniting Pride’s board, staff, and Pride Committee