When: Sunday, July 14th from 11:30 am – 1:00 pm
Who is invited: Everyone
Where: South Lawn
You can turn cardboard into anything with just a little imagination. And tape.
Join us after church on Sunday, July 14 from 11:30-1:00 pm for an all-ages gathering to unleash your creativity. Transform old boxes into unique structures and sculptures.
Get a snack in Fellowship Hall and gather on the lawn for a fun-filled adventure into the world of imagination to build and create anything you can think up.
We will provide cardboard boxes, clear packing tape and other fastening materials, and a limited number of cardboard cutting materials.
You can bring chairs or blankets, snacks to share, extra clear packing tape, and a sense of FUN!
All children must be accompanied by an adult, providing an extra hand for tape assistance.
If you have cardboard boxes to donate, you can drop them off in Fellowship Hall starting Sunday, June 30.
Email Natalie Danner at dannernatalie@gmail.com if you want to help out at the event.