Unitarian Universalism In A Nutshell

Unitarian Universalism—— it is a long name and it does not describe our faith very well but it is ours and if you were wondering what is a Unitarian Universalist, well, you are not alone.

Someone asked a famous ancient rabbi if he could please explain the whole of the Torah while standing on one foot and that rabbi did an admirable job.

Even though it might be impossible to share a one footed explanation of Unitarian Universalism, on Sunday November 27 our Interim Lead Minister Reverend Karen Bush is going to share a “two footed” one that is “Unitarian Universalism In A Nutshell”.

Come enjoy receiving the CliffsNotes version that is sure to help us all be better able to share about this amazing faith and history of ours with others in our lives and in the world around us as together we celebrate our Covenantal life in both in word and ritual.