Life’s Twisties

Many of us have followed the courageous journey of US gymnast Simone Biles at the Tokyo Olympics, and learned a new word from the gymnastic world: “twisties”, when a gymnast loses all sense of up or down in mid-air. Well, not many of us are Olympic gymnasts, but most of us have had the twisties, when life throws such a big surprise at us that we hardly know up from down. What do we do then? Rev. Florence and Rev. Sally will each offer reflections (inspired by Simone Biles) on how to re-find our balance when we have the twisties. This will be Rev. Florence’s last sermon for a while, since she will be going on three months of medical leave starting in September.

Photo of Simone Biles courtesy of Agência Brasil Fotografias under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.