Delight! A Flower Celebration Sunday

This Sunday marks the 100th anniversary of the first ever UU Flower Celebration! This springtime tradition, first introduced by Czech Unitarian ministers Maja and Norbert Câpek, is a celebration of nature’s bounty and the rich beauty and variation within our faith community. Everyone brings a flower to share – whether from their own garden, a shop, or the side of the road – and we all leave with a different flower, adding a little joy and color to our separate journeys. This service will be musical, bright, and engaging for all ages, with a chance for everyone to participate directly. Because it is the first Sunday of the month, children will stay upstairs in the Sanctuary the entire time. 

Immediately after the service, you are invited to join us on the church lawn for an all-congregation potluck picnic, with games, art, music, and lots of food. Bring a dish to share if you like – you can drop it off in the kitchen before the service – or just show up and enjoy the bounty! 

Following the picnic, our Annual Meeting begins at 1:00 PM inside the sanctuary, where members of the church will vote to elect new board members and to approve next year’s budget. See you there!