In a deep meditation recently my mind was nudged and then flooded with a sense of the presence of a long line of grandmothers in my lineage….on both my mother and father’s sides…reaching out to me …. down down through the ages … through their daughters.
I look and see my own late beloved mother’s hands typing on keys in front of me even now…. hands the twins of mine before I had the markings of arthritis blowing up my finger joints.
Could her mother’s (my grandmother) hands have looked like hers? And her mother’s? and her mother’s? and hers? and so on?
Will my own great great great grand daughter one day look at her hands… and wonder about mine?
We who live now.. are made of the dreams of our ancestral mothers who lived before… and the memories of those whose ancestral mothers we will be.
May our best loving intentions travel both forward and back wards in time… embracing both the mothers that have gone before us in this life… and the daughters (of flesh or spirit) who are to follow.
❤️Rev KB