Saturday Garden(ing) Party!

You are invited to join your fellow UUCUC-ers this Saturday in for some outdoor gardening fun! If you want to be involved with year-round grounds upkeep, contact Jerry Carden (  about our Adopt-a-Plot program. We’re also looking for folks that are knowledgeable about the butterfly garden to help clean it up, and to determine plants to add using a gift card to Prairie Gardens that Rev. Florence gave to the congregation to buy plants that attract butterflies.
UUCUC Gardening Work Day/Party
Saturday May 7th
9am – 12pm
309 Green St

Add your name to this list, so we know to expect you, and show up any time between 9am and Noon. Our lead gardeners for the day will put you to work chopping sticks, weeding, watering, and mulching in one of our garden areas. Tools and wheelbarrows might be helpful, but not necessary. The church has a few extras.

All ages are welcome, and anyone who can’t keep up with the gardening can do their part beautifying our walkways with sidewalk chalk.

We hope you’ll join us for this opportunity to spend a couple hours outside and make some more connections with your UUCUC friends.

Be sure to dress for the weather, including sunscreen, and bring work gloves if you have them. If it’s a rainy day we’ll pick the following Saturday. If we have your name in advance we can contact you.