Religious Education Council News

from Interim Director of Religious Education – Michele Grove Townsend

In 2019, the religious education committee transitioned into a religious education council. The focus of the council is to coordinate all aspects of lifespan religious education and to coordinate its efforts with UUCUC’s mission and vision. Three times a year, the full council meets to look at the full program and dream about our learning future. Our next meeting is will be held online on Saturday, November 21, 2020. There will be a morning session and an afternoon session (watch for more clarity on the time and subject matter of each session). Anyone interested in how lifelong learning is lived out in our congregation is welcome to attend. Religious education council meetings are open to everyone. 

The religious education centers on children, youth, adult and multi-generational programming. Each of these areas has a team lead that coordinates with the Council leader and the interim director of religious education. Each team lead coordinates the leadership, work and vision of several programs. Some programs are ongoing, and others are special for the year. And since religious education is not isolated, the council pays special attention to the way UUCUC learning interacts with other areas of the church like social justice, worship, membership and more. Look at our current working model pictured. It may seem busy, but the beauty of this model is that it can function when there is a Council lead and children, youth, adult, and multi-generational team lead.  These five leaders along with the religious education staff can equip and support all UUCUC learning leaders and the mission and vision. 

And everyone who is a learning leader has a seat at the table. This is not a closed system of organization. The religious education council values the wisdom and dreams of all who value learning as a part of Unitarian Universalism. 

So…who should attend the religious education council meeting on November 21? The religious education council and team leads, leaders of religious education programming, UUCUC leaders who believe that learning is a part of their work, and anyone who is interested in learning more and sharing in future plans and dreams. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend! 

Please watch for more information as the date nears. 

A special religious education council note of thanks:

From the beginning of the religious education council, Barbara Hudgings has served as the council leader. Last year, Barbara worked with interim director of religious education, Michele Grove, and the full religious education council to shape and lead the council into existence. We are grateful for the work, wisdom and leadership Barbara provided. Because of her dedication and leadership, the religious education council began on a strong foundation. Thank you, Barbara, for your commitment to learning and to this congregation. 

This year’s religious education council leadership:

Jenny Hunt

The religious education council is please to announce that Jenny Hunt is the new religious education council leader. Currently, the council is still working on the titles of each position so we currently call Jenny the “Grand Puba!” Jenny comes to this leadership position with a passion for education, collaboration and leadership development. We are grateful for this leadership and look forward to a great year of learning and community building. 

We are working to fill other leadership roles. Mona Shannon is the children’s religious education team lead. Also, Emily McKown is the staff person for youth and will work closely with this team as it develops. If you have any interest in being a part of this year’s religious education council, please contact Michele Grove or Jenny Hunt. They would enjoy having a conversation with you on how your passion fits into the religious education model.