Our Church Home: A Follow Up

The Board of Trustees (BoT) and Building and Grounds Advisory Team (BAGAT) extend their gratitude to
the many who attended the recent Listening Sessions and completed the Church Home survey. We
appreciate your participation and valuable insights. The board will use your comments to plan next steps
as the church leans into our strategic plan Goal 5: Complete and present options for a congregational
vote for a plan to accommodate growth, increase environmental friendliness, renew Green
Congregation status, and attain full accessibility in our current building or another location. (2021-25
Strategic Plan, page 10).

The survey has been closed as the Board heard the congregation’s desire and need for additional
information related to our church home and future options. Many shared they were unable to render an
opinion. As a result, we will not share the quantitative data from the survey question, nor will there be
any analyses conducted. For the qualitative data that you provided in the survey’s comment field, as
promised, any personal identifiers have been removed. Comments from the survey and notes from the
four Listening Sessions have been posted on the Our Church Home webpage.

The momentum we’ve collectively generated towards this conversation will continue. The board is
taking an intentional pause over the summer to review, study, and plan our next steps forward on this
continuing journey. For any questions or comments, please reach out to the board at chair@uucuc.org.