Only certified member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) such as UUCUC
may be represented by voting delegates to General Assembly: The Unitarian Universalist Association’s
Annual Meeting. This year, our congregation has seven delegate spots assigned to our church.
Attendance is flexible with either in person (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) or online. Duties for serving
– Familiarize yourself with the business items on the GA Agenda.
– Discuss these items with fellow UUCUC members and seek their feedback.
– Review the Rules of Procedure included with the final agenda to ensure understanding and
familiarity for speaking and voting.
How very fortunate we are to offer voice in our own denominational affairs! If you are a UUCUC
member and serving the church in this leadership capacity speaks to your passion, please reach out to
Becky Densmore ( She will forward your name to the Nominating Committee to be
included in our leadership nominations during the Annual Meeting this spring.