New Possibilities for Ministerial Support

From Randy Locke, Board Chair

To the Congregation from Board Chair, Randy Locke, on behalf of the Minister and Board of Trustees,

I have some exciting news about new possibilities for UUCUC in terms of our ministerial support. In recent years we have experienced a profound increase in energy, vitality, and membership here at UUCUC. We currently have 330 voting members (a 25% increase from 2017), and we are averaging more than two hundred children and adults attending each Sunday. And this is not about “growth for growth’s sake” but rather a clear need in the wider community for the spiritual depth and social engagement that we offer, a need that our values as UUs call us to respond to with love and dedication.

Our Social Action and outreach are visible as they never have been before, as evidenced by our President’s Award by the local chapter of the NAACP. We are in the second year of Soul Matters covenant groups and are beginning a Pastoral Care Associates program. We are also in the second year of a three-year Interim Religious Education discernment, and we are beginning an Adult Religious Education program.

What all this means is that we are in a transition toward a new way of being a church, one where there are many ways to engage and find community, on Sunday mornings but also all throughout the week. This is what is called a “program-sized church”.

At our size and vitality it is appropriate, even essential, to consider enlarging the ministerial staff, because one minister simply cannot be present for all the members, programs and leadership where they are needed. The Board, Committee on Shared Leadership, Personnel Committee, and our Minister, Rev. Caplow, are in strong affirmation that our next step as a congregation is in the direction of adding another minister to the staff, so that we can continue to thrive and manifest our dreams as a congregation. Our current minister is currently working far over full time, and even so, there are important areas of church life that she is not able to be fully present for.

Our plan is to begin the process of hiring an Associate Minister for Fall of 2020, with a one year renewable contract. Depending on the results of our pledge campaign in February, we would hire a minister for half to ¾ time, with the hope that the position would expand to full time over the next few years. This is a different process than “calling” a minister. The Associate would be hired, not called, and would be a member of the staff under the supervision of Rev. Caplow. This is a common structure in mid-size or larger UU churches. There is a team of leaders from the Board and Personnel who will consult with Rev. Caplow through the hiring process.

Meanwhile, this spring, we have requested a minister from the “Targeted Ministry Program” of the UUA. In consultation with Regional UUA staff, an experienced UU minister, generally in early retirement, supports the ministries of a church for a few months. This minister would job-share with Rev. Caplow, giving her the time to focus on the hiring of the Associate and decreasing her workload for a few months.

This minister could also help us craft the portfolio of the Associate position, and provide opportunities for pastoral care and adult RE. Most importantly, this minister would give us a taste of what it would be like to be a multi-minister church. If we are not able to find a good fit through the targeted ministry program, we may explore bringing on a retired liberal minister from the community for this time period.

As your leaders, we are thrilled to be moving in this direction, and see it as very positive for our future. But it will take all of us to make this big leap as a church

How can you be part of making this dream a reality?

  • At our Sunday service on January 19th, Rev. David Pyle, the Mid-America Lead for the UUA, will visit us to share his thoughts about this, in dialogue with Rev. Caplow. Please attend if you can. We will have a Q&A gathering after the service. Bring your questions!
  • Remember this “big leap” and the extra support needed to make this a reality as you consider your pledge amount during our February Generosity pledge campaign. This will require an increase to our budget, and we depend on pledges for most of our budget. There may be other opportunities to participate financially as well – stay tuned.

If you have other ideas, questions, or concerns, please contact me or Rev. Florence Caplow. We’d be happy to talk with you.

Yours in service,
Randy Locke, Board Chair