Thirteen UUCUC members have unlocked matching funds from the 2024 UUCUC Legacy Challenge by sharing their plans with us. These planned gifts will eventually add over a million dollars of legacy gifts to UUCUC’s trust funds! And the England’s inspiring matching gifts have added over $60,000 this year to our trust funds.
Please join these generous planners and help support future generations of UUCUC! We appreciate every planned gift, big or small!
Unlock the remaining $40,000 in matching funds by sharing your legacy plans with the church. Add UUCUC as a beneficiary to your retirement account, Will, trust, or life insurance. Then share those plans with us. Contact Mona Shannon at generosity@uucuc.org to learn more.
Please thank our members who have submitted legacy plans. You may see them wearing a green Legacy button. Our Legacy Leaders are Sharon Allen, Jerry Carden and Tim Temple, Natalie Danner, Karen and Michael Folk, David and Claudia Gross, Chris Hannauer, Sandy and Jim Hannum, Mary Joncich, Michael and Cindy Loui, Walt McMahon, Mona Shannon, and Paul Weston.