Minister Search Survey is Open!

photo by David Pennington on Unsplash

For the past few weeks we’ve been telling you that the time was coming for the congregation to get involved in the ministerial search, and that time has arrived!  Our survey elves have made  the final adjustments to the questions, and it is now open for your input at  

Your Settled Search Team will be conducting this Sunday’s service, and after the service members of the team will be available in Fellowship Hall with a variety of computing devices if you need help navigating the web form.  We will also be present after the services on the 18th and the 25th.  We can also come to your home to provide 1:1 support at other times if you need help and cannot come into church.  Our goal is to have 65% of the congregation respond by noon on Monday the 26th, which is a tall order but one that we’re sure we can reach.

Looking ahead, your input and participation will be needed as we engage in the “Beyond Categorical Thinking” workshop later this fall.  This is a workshop led by a UUA facilitator to help us identify the biases, conscious and unconscious, that we bring to our expectations of our next minister and their identity.  In addition, once we have compiled the results of the survey we will use them as the basis for a series of cottage meetings (discussion gatherings of church members and friends) and focus groups (similar gatherings in which the discussion will revolve around specific aspects of church life).  Your participation in the Beyond Categorical Thinking workshop and these small group meetings this fall will be critical in helping the Search Team understand what qualities we will need in our next minister.

If you have any questions, please reach out to us by sending an email to  

In loving service,

Janet Revell Barrett
Wendy Graves
Chris Hannauer
Tanja Hodges
Pat McClard
Dave Sharpe
Angela Urban


Kudos to our amazing Board Chair Becky Densmore for being the first to respond with the correct identity of last week’s mystery poet, Tanja Hodges!  Watch this space for future opportunities for fame and glory.