LGBTQ-UU Welcome Team Potluck and Planning

Save the date: Friday, August 11; 6:30 pm in Fellowship Hall

It’s time for the LGBTQ+ Welcome Team to socialize a bit, and also plan for upcoming ways we can offer education and/or services to our uucuc community, and to the larger CU community. One of the first things will be plans for Pride Fest and Parade which is set for Saturday, September 30.

We will begin with socializing & snacks at 6:30, and the potluck/planning to begin around 7-ish. The LGLBTQ+ Welcome Team is open to any queer identified person as well as our allies.

“Not sure how much you can help with? Decide at the meeting – we’re happy to have you in any case!” Let us know if you are planning to come with this form-

LGBTQ-UU Welcome Team email address- a new mailing group has been created for business and/or news related to our Q-UU Welcome Team. Many of our uucuc people have been added already. If you identify as LGBTQ+ or as an ally and would like to be on the email list, let Jerry Carden or Autumn Haskins know.