When: Saturday, April 6 from 9:30 am – 12:30 pm
Who is invited: Everyone
Where: Outside
The Building and Grounds Advisory Team (BAGAT) need volunteers to assist with tidying up our grounds. So please join us on Saturday, April 6th from 9.00am-12.30pm. We will be…
- Raking leaves
- Spreading mulch on the playground
- Trimming trees
- Picking up sticks (for kids)
- Music from the 70s, 80s & 90s
For the kids we will have…
- Sidewalk chalk
- Bubbles
- Leaf bagging contest
- Who can gather the most sticks in two minutes
We have a few extra rakes, but if you have wheelbarrows and shovels for spreading mulch; garden carts, loppers, and hand pruners and garden gloves, those will be needed too.
Please register below, so we know to expect you. Your registration will also serve as your raffle entry for some great prizes. Then show up any time between 9am and 12.30pm. We hope you’ll join us for the opportunity to spend a few hours outside and get to know some new UU faces.