Food insecurity has skyrocketed among our C-U immigrant community as business closings have resulted in massive job loss. There are thousands of undocumented immigrants in our community that do not qualify for unemployment benefits, and they need our help.
The Immigration Justice Task Force is diverting $1,100 from our budget to send to CU FAIR’s Pandemic Response Fund. We are asking members and friends of UUCUC to join us in ensuring he most vulnerable in our community can feed their families. You can:
- Partner with CU FAIR and others to purchase and deliver groceries. The cost to you for the next few weeks would be $60, per week. After April 30, CU FAIR expects to have raised enough money to pay for food, but will still need volunteers to deliver groceries to vulnerable families (until June 1). This program supplements groceries received at local food banks and school district programs, and is critically important for families experiencing hardship. CU FAIR has a suggested list of food and other items to purchase for families, most of whom are Guatemalan. If you can participate in this program, contact Ben Mueller at CU FAIR.
- Donate directly to CU FAIR’s Pandemic Response Fund. Your dollars will purchase and help distribute health items and information related to COVID19 in addition to food.
Many of us will be receiving checks from the government as part of the relief package. Would you be willing to donate some of those funds to alleviate the hardships experienced by some of the must vulnerable families during this crisis?
Feel free to contact Pam Richart at 773.556.3418 or if you have questions. The Immigration Justice Task Force is extremely grateful for your participation!