Habitat for Humanity Home Build

Can you help us build a Habitat home, which is being financed by our very own Terry and Barbara England?

Terry and Barbara England write:
“Thirty-one years ago, our friends, Steve Taylor and Stan Fleischman, and their families made a donation to Habitat for Humanity in our names on the occasion of our marriage.

Twenty-one years later, it took our daughter’s life-changing Urbana High School spring trip to Tutwiler Mississippi with leaders Mark Foley and Laura Koritz for us to wake up to Habitat for Humanity (HFH). For us, Habitat is an eminently satisfying social justice cause. It takes only a day’s home build and connection with prospective homeowners to appreciate the impact of the HFH mission. A house is life-changing for families, providing the stability for the successful upbringing of healthy and educated children and their parents and guardians for to establish generational wealth.

It has been our privilege with work with and to support HFH and the UHS HFH student group.”

The UU Church, Racial Justice Team, would like to support the construction of this home, to be built at 313 Edgebrook Drive, Champaign. We have been offered Saturday, November 9 as the date for our work crew volunteers to help.

The home is being built for Tamara Medina and her 4 year old daughter (see the family bio link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MBzCcVtkgt4-wkQK63LciH-a7S6yGQu5/ ). Construction begins in early October and will finish in early November. Volunteers from Yahoo! and Urbana High School will cover the first several work dates.

Our job on November 9 is primarily to help finish the siding on this house. We need 8-10 adult volunteers (must be age 16 or over) to help from 8am-3pm on that Saturday. You don’t need any specialized skills to do this work, though some of the tasks involve working on a ladder. Habitat provides the instruction and the tools.

Will you join our UU work team? Sign-up at:

Contact Pat McClard (patrickmcclard@gmail.com) or Jim Hannum (jwhannum@gmail.com) if you have questions! This is a great way to work for social justice!