Good Night Summer… from the heart of Rev KB

From Rev Karen Bush

There is a quote I recently read by an unknown author that says,
“Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things go.”

I have been feeling especially aware of the coming of winter this year.
Feeling a keen sadness about it. Not sure why.
Why this year.
Why sadness.
Why so deep.
Maybe it is because of the settling in chill in the air and the changing of the clocks which leads to early darkness… maybe these and the turning of the leaves make me acutely aware that summer is now truly gone
and with it the chance for so much of what I had been longing for all through last winter… the long cold, hard pandemic laced winter.

And so needs must that I turn to prepare to embrace what is to come– what is coming closer by each waning day.

But first..
like my favorite children’s book Good Night Moon, I say,

Good night summer.
Good night green trees.
Good night humming birds and monarchs and flowers outside my window.
Good night warm breezes and sweet sweet fragrances and the melodies of the song birds calling to their mate.
Good night peace-filled evening strolls hand in hand with my beloved… taking in the beauty of nature flowing and swirling around us.
I miss you already and will be here waiting …when your sleep is at end.

Rev KB