The LGBTQ+ Welcome Team has a subset of people interested in exploring how UUCUC can assist with
efforts to provide Gender Affirming Care in Illinois. Whether you identify as queer or as an ally, meet
with us after church at 11:45 if you’d like to learn more and discuss with Julia Cronin, Bunny Shields and
Jocelyn Karsk. This group will most likely be collaborating with the already formed Urbana-Champaign
Reproductive Justice (UCRJ) group. Help with the planning on expanding this effort.LGBTQ+ Welcome Team
Pride Month Worship Service Planning
Calling and LGBTQ+ folks and allies that would like to help plan and deliver a Pride Month related
worship service on June 11 th. Ideas for the message? Readings? Music? Contact Jerry Carden ASAP.
GenderQueer Book Group Anyone?Gender Queer is one of the hundreds of banned books in those states moving toward authoritarian
control. Several folks at UUCUC have read it and say it has been helpful for understanding more about
the transgender experience. The LGBTQ+ Welcome Team wants to use Gender Queer discussion groups
as this year’s education initiative for our members/friends. Let Jerry Carden know if you are interested.
Gender Affirming Care for Out of State Folks