From Rev Karen Bush
These flowers I dedicate to anyone who has lost their home, however … whoever.
I remember the many heart wrenching stories of the gentle people,
anxious parents with little ones,
men alone far from home,
who were refugees from Central America who students and I sat with through the number of trips to the border
– whether in the sanctuary run by local catholic sisters,
– in the INS family (prison) camp or
– in the INS adult prison in Brownsville Texas.
I remember in New Orleans when we literally physically “group hugged” as we cried with weeping individuals who were living under a bridge having lost every thing due to Katrina.
I remember the stories of the many precious women and children …
the little girl dreaming of one day having a home with a doorbell where her toys are safe and she can sleep in peace …
living in homeless shelters in the south and in the CU area who told my students and I how they came to lose so much…
the heartbreak of how they came to be where they are.
I remember the mostly gentlemen I see as I drive around town.
Panhandling for a warm bed.
For a next meal.
Some for a fix.
Hoping for some small gift of dignity.
Many whose names I know from feeding and eating with them and sitting with them over the years. Many more who are unknown to me.
Together we remember those whose homes have been lost due to natural disasters…. fire…flood… hurricane… volcano… tornado…. Or wars….so much violence…
We remember all those who have had to leave their cherished, familiar homes where they raised families, lived their lives…
not by choice…
due to declining health
or loss of resources in their senior years.
Together we remember those who we know had their home… their lands.. violently stolen away by greed of others….
Throughout history… to the birth of our nation….
through to today…
To the world’s refugees.
Whoever, where ever, however their plight came to be.
May they find hope. May they find dignity. May they find open hearts. May they find home.
❤️ KB
Falling Leaves by John Denver
This is for the refugees.. the ones without a home
A boat out on the ocean… City street alone
Are they not some dear mother’s child
Are they not you and I
Are we the ones to bear this shame
Are they the sacrifice
O sing for every mother’s love
For every childhood tear
O sing for all the stars above
The peace beyond all fear.