The UU Feminist Book Group (est.1987) is an opportunity for those identifying as women of all ages and backgrounds to read and discuss works by female authors whose writings are particularly relevant to women’s lives.
Our Feminist Process
Since its origin in 1987, our group has used feminist process to guide us as a group because it celebrates the power of:
- Process above and beyond goals and results;
- Letting go toward growth through consensus and self-knowledge;
- The whole, where new ideas, energy, and networks are valued;
- Collectivity, where the group makes a consensual decision;
- Unity, which emphasizes the creative integration of variety within the group;
- Sharing of leadership roles according to interests and talents;
- Integration, where situations are viewed in context and without judgment;
- Intuition, where all human experience determines actions and directions;
- Diversity, which encourages creativity and flexibility;
- Responsibility, which encourages open criticism and honesty.
Group Guidelines
- We meet the 3rd Tuesday of the month, 7-9 PM, in the UU Church.
- We have Check-In to briefly share events that might affect our participation.
- We generally have a monthly leader who guides the discussion.
- We use a rotating chair, which means we take turns choosing a woman with her hand raised as the next person to speak.
- We end with Check-Out to give the group some closure.
- We have an Annual Book Choosing in the spring to select all the books for the coming year.
Contact Information
If you have questions or would like to know more information about the Feminist Book Group, please contact Karen Folk or Priscilla Kron.
Current Book List 2023-2024