Social Justice Organizing / Power Building Gathering

Date(s) - October 9, 2021
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm


From UUCUC Member, Pam Richart

Location: UUCUC church parking lot (bring a chair or blanket to sit on)
RSVP: RSVP requested by sending an email to Pam, Richart at and Caren Heath at

Caren Heath and I are inviting you to an outdoor gathering at church on Saturday, October 9, from 1pm to 2:30pm. The purpose of this gathering is to explore how UUCUC can partner with other UU churches in Illinois, particularly those located in the central part of the state. These congregations, like ours, are working to advance, racial, environmental, LGBTQIA, and immigration justice. Scott Aaseng of UUANI will join us.

Our time together is likely to touch on how we might re-ignite discussions we held in February about restructuring our Social Action Committee to follow the model established for RE, and how that could contribute to building power downstate for policy, legislation, and actions that reflect our values.

You may recall that I put out a call for leadership training with the UUA? Several of you responded, and Caren and I applied and were selected. It’s intended that the two of us function as catalysts for action and coordination with other UU churches. So this first gathering is important – and one where your input is critical.

So. Can you join us?

We’ll move to zoom if the weather is cold and rainy, but Caren and I are hoping for a warm, balmy October day (and the glorius color of the sugar maples).

As an incentive to participate, Caren is baking. Some of you know her many talents – and this is one of them. So do join us for fun, good food, and some lively discussion that can help move forward the social and environmental justice work of UUCUC!

Oh. Please bring your own beverage (in addition to a chair or blanket). Without access to the church, providing drinks becomes a bit more challenging.

And, please so feel free to invite others. We’ve invited those who Caren and I know have expressed an interest in rekindling the social action committee , or in the work of UUANI as it relates to connecting with other churches to build power for policy, legislation, and actions that represent our values. Because this is an important launch for future structure and organizing … invite away!!