Date(s) - April 7, 2019
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Unitarian Universalist Church of Urbana Champaign - Fellowship Hall
On May 5, our Congregation will be having our Annual Meeting. As our Congregation has grown closer to being a mid-sized (program-sized) church, our fundamental rules of governance and job responsibilities must also grow and mature. To that end, the Board of Trustees is endorsing a Proposed series of amendments to our Constitution and Bylaws – some minor and some not.
To introduce these changes to the Congregation (before the annual Meeting), the Board invites you come to one (or more) of a series of meetings we are planning in the coming weeks to introduce the amendments, let you ask questions, and hear your feedback (well before the annual Meeting, if you get my point.)
Right now the list of times are incomplete, but here are some of the scheduled times:
- Sunday, April 7th: 12 p.m. – 1 p.m. (Children’s Chapel)
- Sunday, April 14th: 12 p.m. – 1 p.m. (Children’s Chapel)
- Other week days opportunities- TBD
I don’t want to give away all the juicy bits before the meeting, but here are a couple of teaser’s to get you interested . . .
- Clarifying the Role of the Minister as a Chief of Staff
- Turning the Financial Secretary position into a role that just everyone will want to volunteer to do
- Improving our Membership requirements to be even better than they are already (Just look at all the new members last Sunday in the service!)
- Making the Annual Report easier, better, and more representative of our church year (wish someone would have thought of this one years ago)
- Dotting enough i’s and crossing enough t’s to make your head swim.
So plan on coming to one of our “Get to Know the Proposed Amendments to the Constitution/Bylaws Meetings” (Otherwise known as the GTKPACB Meeting – we love our acronyms)…and bring a friend (especially if they vote)!
Questions, contact Brian McDermott (I’m in the Directory).