CROP Walk 2024 is Coming
The CU CROP Walk 2024 will be held on Sunday, October 6 at 2 pm. CROP stands for Communities Responding to Overcome Poverty. It is a community-wide interfaith effort to fight hunger and poverty, and to relieve suffering from disasters.
Of the funds raised, 25% will go to organizations fighting hunger in CU every day: the Daily Bread Soup Kitchen, the Eastern Illinois Food Bank, Sola Gratia Farm, and the Wesley Food Pantry.
75% will go to wherever the need is greatest. War and climate change are worsening hunger, poverty and natural disasters all over the world. With CROP Walk, hundreds of service organizations are coordinating their efforts, helping those who need it most. Right now thousands of people in Gaza are starving and homeless. Thanks to a partner in the region, CROP Walk funds are able to get in there to help. These funds are also assisting war refugees from Ukraine, providing extensive hunger and poverty relief in several African countries, and elsewhere.
You can be a part of this compassionate effort! To join the UU Walkers team contact Sandy Hannum at smhannum@gmail.com
Or make a donation at the following website in support of a particular walker or the UU Walkers team as a whole.