CROP Walk Is for Everyone
The CU CROP Walk is coming on October 6, and our awesome UU Walkers are working hard to raise funds! This is our team: Sam Beshers, Nancy Dietrich, Karen Folk, Jennifer Greene, Jody Hanger, Evan Hannum, Sandy Hannum, Cheryl Hughes, Lynn Kelly, Peggy Patten, Jean Peters, and Karen Retzer.
As you know, 25% of the funding goes to alleviate the grinding day-to-day poverty which is always with us in CU. We support: Daily Bread Soup Kitchen, Eastern Illinois Food Bank, Sola Gratia Farm, and Wesley Food Bank. Many members of our church volunteer in these organizations, which are close to our hearts.
The other 75% works globally to help with all kinds of disaster relief, including assistance to Gaza and Ukraine. CROP also funds development in countries that need water systems, and agricultural assistance. This amazing scope of work is made possible through a coordinated worldwide network of service organizations. One of the best parts of CROP Walk is that it is all funded by an interfaith effort of communities coming together!
You can help in this compassionate work! Go to this website and make a donation in support of the UU Walkers or a particular walker:
Thank you!