I tell you this
to break your heart,
by which I mean only
that it break open and never close again
to the rest of the world.
– Mary Oliver
On January 19, “Open Hearts: A COVID Memorial” will be dedicated along Green Street on the north side of the UUCUC building. Conceived by Julie Laut and Rev. Florence Caplow, with support from the UUCUC Board and the Carolyn McMahon Fund, this public memorial will consist of simple heart-shaped markers representing the deaths of all those lost in Champaign County (92 lost as of 1/11/2021).
This space will provide a visual remembrance of our losses and a physical location for area residents to contemplate and mourn. UUCUC volunteers are currently at work assembling the markers, and the YRUU will install the memorial prior to the dedication.
Nearly 375,000 people in the U.S. have died from the COVID-19 virus to date. With hospitalizations and deaths at an all-time high, that number will continue to grow. By the time vaccines allow us to return to some normalcy, each of us will have been touched personally in some way by this unimaginable loss of life. Our grieving has been compounded by the lack of compassionate leadership at the federal level and the inability to mourn our losses together. The Open Hearts memorial will provide a unique opportunity to draw our community together in a time when we feel too often disconnected.
A brief dedication on January 19 will include remarks from Champaign County Public Health Administrator Julie Pryde, Urbana Mayor Diane Marlin, UIUC Chancellor Robert Jones, Champaign Mayor Deb Feinen, and UUCUC member Julie Laut. Reverend Caplow and Reverend Sally Fritsche will offer blessings. Due to COVID restrictions on the size of gatherings, church members and the public will not be able to attend the dedication.
In addition to the dedication of the memorial, the UUCUC church bell will ring at 4:30 p.m. on January 19 to coincide with the National Day of Mourning called for by the incoming Biden-Harris administration.
If you have lost someone to COVID in Champaign County, you are invited to email covid-memorial@uucuc.org and a heart will be personalized in their honor.
The dedication of a memorial area near the south entrance of the building for friends and members of UUCUC who have lost a loved one during the pandemic will take place at a later date.
Julie Laut (jlaut@hushmail.com; 513-544-2682) will act as a main contact, in collaboration with Rev. Caplow, for communication, installation, and maintenance of this project.