UUCUC is pleased to now offer closed captioning for UUCUC Zoom meetings and events through Otter.ai. We currently have this feature available on all UUCUC Zoom accounts.
To access this feature during a meeting, click the red LIVE indicator in the upper left hand side of the Zoom window and click View Stream on Otter.ai Live Transcript in the dropdown menu.

The live transcript will then open in another browser window. Follow along and scroll back to read at your own pace!
Meeting facilitators have control on whether this feature is available to participants in the meeting. If you do not see this option for closed captioning, please follow-up with your meeting facilitator.
For instructions on how to manage the closed captioning / live transcript feature if you are a meeting facilitator, please refer to these instructions.
A special thank you to UUCUC member, Mick McEnroe, for being a strong advocate for implementing this feature UUCUC’s Zoom meetings. Thank you, Mick!
Please refer to UUCUC Zoom Resources for additional information and tips for meeting participants and facilitators.