When: Sunday, May 19th after service
Who is invited: Everyone
Where: Classroom 4
The Finance Committee will be hosting four Budget Information Sessions in the weeks leading up to the June 2nd annual meeting. At these sessions we will present the draft budget and go over some of its highlights. In particular: we fell a bit short on pledges this year, so we will be proposing a deficit budget, the shortfall being made up from our (fortunately) ample cash reserves. We will also discuss the prospects for future budgets, as the fiscal challenges we faced this year are likely to persist for the next two years at least. Please plan to attend one of these sessions so that there will be no surprises for you at the annual meeting as you vote on this important item.
The sessions will be:
Sunday, May 19th, 11:45 AM in REE Classroom 4
Wednesday, May 22nd, 7:00 PM on Google Meets (https://meet.google.com/iku-ygav-wes)
Sunday, May 26th, 11:45 AM in the Childrens’ Chapel
Tuesday, May 28th, 7:00 PM on Google Meets (https://meet.google.com/umf-gxbz-nva) (same time as BOT meeting)
If you have any questions you’d like to ask before the sessions, please feel free to reach out to Chris Hannauer, chair of the Finance Committee at financechair@uucuc.org.